If you would like to be excepted from any part of this license I am more than open to hearing how you intend to benefit others by working with these ideas independently. Even better, if you'd like to work together to promote the general welfare I am cheerfully looking forward to making your acquaintance.
In the meantime, I ask that you accept my attempts to carve out a small space for this work to grow as I have dreamed it. What follows are the ideas to which I lay claim in the making of cultures which support the human community and journey.
"Associative Inquiry" and its capitalized and lowercase, singular and plural, immediate and metaphorical derivatives, including but not limited to "associnc and associnq", "The Associative Inquiry", "Associational Inquiry", "As-In", as-in, AsIn, asin, and related logos, etc. are reserved for the use of those with permission.
"Culturesmith" and its capitalized and lowercase, singular and plural, immediate and metaphorical derivatives, including but not limited to "culturesmithy", "The Culturesmith", "cultural smithing", etc. are reserved for the use of those with permission.
"Bluevolution" and its capitalized and lowercase, singular and plural, immediate and metaphorical derivatives, including but not limited to "blue evolution", "blue-evolution", "blu-evolution", "blue volution", "evolutionary blue", "The Bluevolution", "the blue volution", etc. are reserved for the use of those with permission.
"Peoplegreen" and its capitalized and lowercase, singular and plural, immediate and metaphorical derivatives, including but not limited to "People Green", "people-green", "peepsgreen", "greenpeeps", "Greenpeople", "Greening People", "the greening of people", "people greening", "the peoplegreening people", etc. are reserved for the use of those with permission.
The words and phrases "process arts", "Process Arts", "The Process Arts", were originated by Brandon WilliamsCraig who requests attribution and developed with Beamish Process Arts dba Association Building Community, are reserved in perpetuity to the public domain, and may not be restricted for the use of any party without expressed written consent from Brandon williamsCraig and the ABC board of Directors, and thereafter public notification, and the space of one year for response and objections to be raised before ABC hosts a stakeholders consensus process for a final decision.
The words and phrases "culturopoiesis", "Culturopoiesis", "culturopoesis", "Culturopoesis" were originated by Brandon WilliamsCraig who requests attribution, are reserved in perpetuity to the public domain, and may not be restricted for the use of any party without expressed written consent and thereafter public notification and the space of one year for response and objections to be raised and published through a stakeholders consensus process for a final decision.

work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
Attribution Non-commercial Share Alike (by-nc-sa)
Choose by-nc-sa licenseThis license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon my work non-commercially, as long as they credit me and license new creations under the identical terms. Others may use the Culturesmith idea and redistribute work of their own just like the by-nc-nd license, and they may also translate, expand the creative base of the idea, and produce new stories based on my work. All new work based on mine must carry the same license, so any derivatives must be non-commercial in nature. Read the Commons Deed | View Legal Code
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