We live in sophisticated systems often best understood through psychological inquiry into inter-referential mythologies. The more we are aware of this process enough to participate in creation the more culture is made on purpose. I have practiced, am now, and aspire to be a better Culturesmith. This is a collection of existing evidence of public contributions to the culture-making process, with comments and original work from those who have asked to be represented here.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Melissai keep Zeus from being Destroyed by Chronus

Bees disappearing
The clock is ticking
Big Powers are devoured over time without the nourishment of smaller gods

(what follows is entirely a reproducion of an email from Kris Katsuko Oster)

There is a lot going on with Gaia these days, and the signs are all pointing to the fact that
she needs our help.

The mysterious disappearance of bees is escalating and could cause many crops in the US
to fail. The evidence so far is pointing to pesticides (duh) as the possible main culprit.

Here is an excerpt of an article from Yahoo.com

"In cases of colony collapse disorder, flourishing hives are suddenly depopulated leaving
few, if any, surviving bees behind.

The queen bee, which is the only one in the hive allowed to reproduce, is found with just a
handful of young worker bees and a reserve of food.

Curiously though no dead bees are found either inside or outside the hive.

The fact that other bees or parasites seem to shun the emptied hives raises suspicions
that some kind of toxin or chemical is keeping the insects away, Cox-Foster said.

Those bees found in such devastated colonies also all seem to be infected with multiple
micro-organisms, many of which are known to be behind stress-related illness in bees.

Scientists working to unravel the mysteries behind CCD believe a new pathogen may be
the cause, or a new kind of chemical product which could be weakening the insects'
immune systems.

The finger of suspicion is being pointed at agriculture pesticides such as the widely-used
neonicotinoides, which are already known to be poisonous to bees.

France saw a huge fall in its bee population in the 1990s, blamed on the insecticide
Gaucho which has now been banned in the country."

Bees appear in mythologies all over the world. In Greek mythology the Melissai were
priestesses of Demeter and Diana; the name Melissa also means "honey-bee"; Melissa was
the name of the nymph who saved Zeus from being devoured by Cronus. She plundered
bee hives and stole goat milk to feed him.

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