We live in sophisticated systems often best understood through psychological inquiry into inter-referential mythologies. The more we are aware of this process enough to participate in creation the more culture is made on purpose. I have practiced, am now, and aspire to be a better Culturesmith. This is a collection of existing evidence of public contributions to the culture-making process, with comments and original work from those who have asked to be represented here.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


There all all manner of notions in the idea of being Green.

Nature, wildness, money, sustainability, envy, hugging trees, pollution conservative business, nature protective politics, anti-drilling/cutting/digging/expanding blockades, Sir Gawain, recycling, paganism, enviro-activism, ecocapitalism, ... the list goes on.

After all is said and done, the basic value of greenness, which occasionally escapes practice, is sustainable relationship, or cultivating associations between ideas and creatures and earth in which every participant gets all of what is needed and at least some of what is wanted.

The Peoplegreen idea directs the two-footed part of right relationship and ecologicality back into the mirror wherein we see each other, and without which we cannot work well together, and gives it a catchy name so it is easier to talk about and spread around like the fertilizer it is.

If paying attention to how you consume, reuse, transport, recycle, spend, make war, and make culture, and also refrain from doing all these things has to do with being Green, than what is required to green human relationships?

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What I do and have done professionally


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